Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Baby Jesus Birthday

And a Merry XXXmas to all! Or a 5th day of Hannukah, if you may!!! And a hell of a new year!
P.s.: I'm in the south, in a hotel. Posting has been made harder.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

OMFG! I'm in! Weeeeee!!! (Does little happy dance)

Yup, that's my real name, thanks. They missed a space, though. And now i'll proceed to spend the next four years of my life happily broke...

Yes, i'm crying... i left college 3 years ago to be where i am now, and have missed it every single second of that time... And now i'm back... So Santa, if you read this, i could really use a drivers license and a school gear (a portable computer wouldn't be bad) for Xmas!

Exactly the way i'm feeling now:


Happy Holidays! Now let me break out of this damn procrastination cycle, get my xmas tree up and work on this Saturday's performance.



P.s.: A small token of my appreciation:

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes

Sunday, November 23, 2008

*Mind the bog*

Greetings from the bog inside my mind...
Ohai! i'm sedated! But wait... is it a new Sunday night tradition for my body to feel like it was beaten with a stick?
Damn, this has been some week... or better, it hasn't. Most of it was spent in bed, with a laptop on my belly to sooth the cramps. No not those cramps...
Long story short, thanks to past and recent gourmand excesses, i once again have a sick tummy... Gastroenterocolitis, to be precise. Not a pretty picture, but i'm glad i went to the doctor early. The first one, 6 years ago, kicked my ass. Whatever... i hate not being able to eat most things i love, but its only for a short while. Its not like i'm in pain too... i was, but the doctor fixed that. Ha ha!
So the week was basically this: On Monday i was exhausted, so i taught my morning class, went back home to bed and stayed there till it was time to work again. Thats when my stomach started to hurt. Tuesday, i decided i wasn't going to work out. So i worked and stayed in bed. i could barely stand for 15 minutes, much less go to dance class... He traveled on Wednesday morning... i worked, tried to get things in order, watched something and stayed in bed. Thursday was a holiday so i got off my ass and went to the hospital. After 3 hours in the waiting room, the doctor talks to me for 5 minutes, feels my tummy, asks a couple questions and determines my entire digestive tract is inflammed. And sends me to get doped... intravenously.
By now i was pretty frustrated with myself, after all everything was a mess and i kinda promised that i would do something about it when He traveled. Tough luck getting sick at a time like this...
i was afraid of being home alone all doped up so i went to my friends house. My bff was staying there for a few days, we basically hanged out and he made us fruit salad.
Friday, i decided i needed to do something... i started getting things in order, but was far from done by nighttime... i actually had only put things in place for cleaning, and done a weeks worth of dishes. Life in slow motion is hard... i planned for it to be an all nighter, but The Mister was back, and we went grocery shopping, and bought the rest of the meds. 15 minutes after i popped that pill, the floor beckoned. i slept on the living room floor that night... all night. Ok, it was in a sleeping bag, but still...
Saturday morning spells work. i napped at lunch time, and worked all afternoon. He was home with His daughter when i got back, so i went to the bedroom. i actually skipped my medication so that i could get work done... i just had to sleep the rest of it off.
And then from Midnight to Midday, i scrubbed, wiped, dusted, swept, mopped and rubbed a lot of things with alchohol. And finally... things are clean and tidy.
Obviously i'm, once again, doped. Why must a nausea medication have such strong side effects? Luckily, i'm on it for (only) 3 more days.
There's a whole lot of life going on babes... And i hate knowing i'm missing out on it. Specially when Xmas season and the Dance School's end of year presentation are just around the corner.
Oh, this Saturday (Nov 29th) i'll be doing my "Ahoy Hawaii" number again at Jive! If you're in town, drop by!



P.s.: Mademoiselle has been up in Member Review for two months now. It would be a perfect set for the Holidays... red and gold, sugar and spice... né Marmotta?

Monday, November 17, 2008


from under the duvet, that's where from... recovering from whatever it is that's affecting me. All i know is that standing was hard today, and my stomach was in a knot. Milk allergy (Sunday is dairy day in sweetie land) getting worse? Burned-out? Dunno. Fact is, i was worthless today.
But not during the week(end). Oh how busy... Hand sewing the big banner i insisted on having (110x150 cm), mixing the tracks (once again, thanks American_Junky, the samples and links you sent me were of great help), stitching, cutting, pricking my finger countless times. Oh the glory of creative work! The glory of sewing with half eyes closed, only 6 hours total of sleep in two days... At one point, while sitting at my #1 baby, it felt as if i were driving through a blizzard. Woot woot for procrastination!
Seriously, it was a pain. The choreography... if i had had one more day there would have been great space for improvement. After all the sound editing, it was prepped in my head. The dress... well the dress had a will of its own, i swear. Somehow i fucked up at cutting the collar, and at 5 pm... i just changed most of the design. The bandanna bikini... i should have known that mixing plain cotton and lycra would have made it weird... but as usual, it turned out just fine.



Fun pasties....
Then after 4 hours of sleep, i took the college entrance exam... for what felt like the milionth time (actually, its my 5th. I passed two of those). It would be so much easier if i could just transfer... apparently, re-entering that route is near impossible. And i sucked. Big time. At least i did the digital test, which was fast, but small things like my stomach growling loudly and having to handwrite the composition... were ackward. As was writing in Portuguese. It's always been easier to express myself in the lovely simplicity of English. My score? Less than 40%. Fingers crossed they like that composition of mine.
And more on Sunday afternoon...

Talk to the hand...

Who knows? Maybe it'll talk back!


Time to cuddle up and watch Heroes. Too bad my stomach is a mess. He brought me a whopper. Nyo!

i just had to share this:




Friday, November 14, 2008

Ahoy Hawaii!

Wanna know what's been taking my time and inspiration?
Barely just finished the soundtrack... i got the whole costume (including cap and undies) to make and a banner. Did i mention its tomorrow?
At least i figured out where my energy went, after all... once again, anemia. Fuck damn...
Well, Ahoy Hawaii!

Oh, yeah, i'm blond again:




Tuesday, October 28, 2008

*keep your eyes peeled*

A while ago i had dreamed of a fun dolling-up afternoon... With my favorite dolls. Unfortunately, we never got around to making it happen.

Well, the idea is still there. It's just become, all of a sudden, a much greater project. Damn, it may even be something i won't be able to do on my own. So i'll be enlisting friends and contacts on this... right after i finish reading up about all the things i need to know to do it! Oh, and there will be tea and cookies.
Stay tuned!
"I often think that a slightly exposed shoulder emerging from a long satin nightgown packs more sex than two naked bodies in bed. "
Bette Davis

Oh, yeah, let me see... what else?
Nothing like a musical show to revive my aspirations, and entice my urges. So thanks to the cast of "Red Hot Broadway", last Saturday, for waking my spirit up! (Oh, it was so worth the $$$!)

And the teachers that patiently try to get my feet into the right places...

Even though i'm still missing a Mentor/Muse. i'm guessing our modern age muses respond by the title of search engines? Perhaps.
Anywho... here's the real deal. i'm dying to get on my feet but i'm gonna need some sugar. Wontcha give me some?
What do i need?
- Ideas
- Inspiration
- Links to music, movies and books
- Did i mention music, movies and books? Digital, virtual, download-able, analogical, real. Any form, sizes and shapes are welcome.
Oh, and a lil' bit of love may buy me pur'ty feathery, sparkling things.
And i'll repay you with an icecream and a hug.
On a different note, go drool over Naty! Damn, these photos are smokin'!
hello Miss Monroe.

Mood: excited
Now playing: Soundtracks: Blue Hawaii, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Mamma Mia!
Looking forward to: Halloween, Luxuria, and the Zombie Walk, this weekend! Oh, and cleaning up... i need a clean environment to think! Oh and carving my pumpkin and all the pumpkiny goodness that will come henceforth!

P.s.: Also, look forward to drunken videos from last Saturday night some time soon. What, don't you read my twits?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just a reminder:

"Come on, babe why Don't we paint the town?"


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It's been 1 month today:
But who's counting?

i'll post a real blog (with a higher text to photo ration, that is) as soon as my stomach gets over this dairy hangover. And i'm less bitchy from PMS. The past weekend was so fun, it felt like my birthday!!
Therefore i offer a quick sum-up for your viewing pleasure:

More images here!

And obviously i spoke to the lovely ladies in my squeaky high pitch drunken voice!

Meet Naypi

Meet Carolina

Pity that Naty, Vivi, Monik and Sinara couldn't make it to the club for different reasons. And i would love to see Angelica and Mah some time soon, as well! Tea party, anyone?

Well, at least i saw Naty the next day at the tat convention!

I'll have a coffee milkshake and a stack of pancakes or your life, please!


Friday, October 17, 2008

*some candy talking*

Tomorrow night is the SG meet-up and Sunday i'll do my best to go to the tattoo convention in the afternoon.
Just thought i would remind you guys.
As for life, it goes on. Apparently all i do is eat, watch anime and tv shows (i caught up with Pushing Daisies and Ugly Betty and now have nothing to see for the week) and... dancing. i guess that's pretty much it.
Last weekend was fun. My bff was in town, and after performing for an audience full of clowns (swear to god its true!) at a birthday party, we went to a trashy goth venue. Was fun, as was spending Sunday in a Gololi outfit and eating chinese food.
Beware of the absence of photoshop!

Squeeze!only girls. And only if i ask Him first.

Sure, i shit rainbows.
These week feels as if it has 3 Sundays. Didn't work on Wednesday, and today is my day off, and He spent it working remotely, which means... ahn, sex!
Don't know what else to say. Mouth burns because i thought jalapeno poppers were a good idea for a meal. They are yum, but perhaps better fit for appetizers. Sugoi!
Things to look forward to?
- Tomorrow night (no, i don't know what to wear)
- Cleaning up (have no idea when that will happen)
- Sunday
- Watching "Spirit of Broadway" with tapdance class later this month
- Jazz class evaluation (ok, actually i fear that one)
And hoping for my set to be bought and go live.
Mood: PMS'ing and bitchy and full of capsaicin
Now playing: jesus and Mary chain (His pick, not mine)