Saturday, April 11, 2009


She tightens her eyes and sneezes while opening the living room windows. Fresh out of the shower and enjoying the scent of freshly dripped coffee coming from the kitchen, she wipes off a Glenn Miller album and puts it on the record player.
10 steps take her to the computer. Picking a handkerchief out of the her purse, she considers her options. Its a shame to put such a perfectly lovely Saturday to waste. But the apartment smells. The clothes on the lines have been there for days, and the dishes in the sink, weeks.
Records crackle. Coffee enhance ones senses. She procrastinates. That is the natural order of life.
She misses her childhood. Saturdays were special. Now they are just time when grown-ups do the things normal life doesn't allow time for. Boring. She misses her teenage years. Considers the chocolate liquor in the booze cabinet. Sits down and enjoys the familiarity of the pain in her hips. The slight pressure of a tampon against the start of a cramp makes her sigh. "No sex in weeks".
Basin Street is playing. The voice singing it is rich and deep, sad and intense. She is tired of adjectives. Coffee is black and very very strong. Or just coffee. She craves something nourishing... but that would require a clean kitchen.
Chatting with the Mister online. He is at some doctor's office, waiting for his daughter's consultation. An invitation. Farmers market. She smirks, the idea is absurd. It will be over in 20 minutes. But sure, she will change and wait. She always waits.
Meanwhile, work wins. Gonna boil some water and do the frigging dishes already!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

*bite me*

Yeah, a mania episode combined with PMS is hilarious... When said episode ends before the hormones wear off, it's not.
Popped another cherry yesterday. My first group casting call for a TV add. I did a Betty Boop impersonation. And met fun nice people.
I'll never figure out why most people settle for boring.
Happy Chocolate eating, ya'all. I know i need it.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

*5 things I learned about being a publicity Extra on Sunday*

1. Wear comfortable shoes. Or bring a pair. You WILL need them.
2. Bring your own sunscreen. And an umbrella. And a sweater. Being prepared is not a crime.
3. Don't forget your basic makeup at home. Sure, they may make you a zombie. But chances are that they will not undo the process properly.
4. Carry a snack. Either the food is crap or you are allergic to it.
5. Have something to do. A book, cell phone game, whatever. There are long boring waits in between takes.
+ 1. If you got most of the aforementioned wrong, DON'T take too many pain killers.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

*SRSLY, suck my spatula!*

Today started at 3 am. It took me 10 minutes to shower, 20 to disguise my facial piercings, and 30 to do my hair. I just got home. Its past 8:30... PM.
After a pretty uneventful month (that is if one does not consider the whole Irish burlesque performance), it was a fun and busy weekend.
My feet hurt. I was the only one, out of 150 extras in the ad, wearing heels. Ok, 8 cm is not that much. Unless its 15 hours on one's feet.
But my abs and cheeks hurt more. A lot more. From laughing. I spent an entire day making a fool of myself under the hot sun, holding a glass of Guinness i couldn't sip from. And talking to fun people, about this and that, downtown Sao Paulo. Not only did it make for a very nice story to tell, but there was networking and new acquaintances.
That was a gas. Ok, except for the part where the rain fell hard and i took too many pain killers and felt like shit. But that was the end of the day, so it was valid.

I've gained 2 kg. They haven't made me happy. And i haven't had sex in a week, exactly... Point is, things aren't as shitty as we paint them.
Plus, my ego got pampered a lot today.

Yesterday was just the way i enjoy it.
Saturdays (almost) always start with music study. Because i'm a slob like that. This week it was "When you believe". Ahem... It didn't go all that bad.
We ate my favorite coxinha in the whole world. My teacher praised my advances. I bought a shitload of Broadway show and musical movie soundtracks in LP. He bought the encyclopedia that made Him who He is. We went shopping for yummy stuff in Liberdade. Finally, super chunky Skippy. Peter Pan is NOT FOR ME.
Then Mercado Mundo Mix. A kiwi caipirinha and local manga magazines. Clementine soap. A walk down my favorite avenue. 3 mushroom pizza and then the phone call for todays "job".

As for March, i was torn between school projects and the St. Patty's performance. Irish music is now an old friend to me. I made a kilt, and satin undies. I had to find the basic steps to soft shoe dancing. And beer for a prop. Beer with green food coloring.

Say hi to the Leprechaun:
OMG! Sweets!!!

That's basically it. I attended a Seminar on Media and Violence. And witnessed the biggest baddest flood of the year. Hell, i even got trapped by the water.

Ahem, polle dancing?
Oh, and playing around with my stabilo pens in class.

You know, eating terribly and behaving badly is the usual way i roll.

I'm dead tired and my body hates me. I have a book to finish and i'm hungry. Some Sunday 'twas.

Listening to: De-lovely OST
Reading: Repórteres
On the menu: Pizza