i will edit this after (or not) but i just want to post while i feel happy. despite the welt my opera high compression stockings left on my thighs, despite feeling lazy to cook AND hungry. despite my period coming almost a week early.
i felt compelled to get under the kitchen computer and take silly photos and edit them in an even sillier fashion just because it felt right. so there you go.
now... i am happy. i am happy because my surgery is going to be next tuesday. i am happy because i will finally be able to get back to my dancing and performances (not that i HAD to put them on hold during this period, but i thought it was for the best). i am happy because i unecessarily ate over 100 grs of chocolate and watched silly films during the afternoon. i am happy just because.
i know it will soon pass. but i enjoy it while i can. i am feeling a little hypomaniac today.
maybe i am happy because i came over 8 times this morning. maybe i am happy because listening to guttermouth makes me dance in the most ridiculous way (no one will ever see that and survive to tell the tale) that makes me happy. maybe i am happy because i don't feel so bad about how i look anymore. maybe because i will soon get a new tattoo. maybe because friday is one of the two days a week i get to sleep in (the other one being sunday), and i hate waking up early. H.A.T.E.
(have you ever loved someone very much while the person was away, longing and longing for their touch, but just got so annoyed you hated their guts [sometimes] when they were around?)
i cannot think straight. but right now, i don't mind.
i wish tattoos had permanent smells, like scented pens. that would be lovely.
and now... to iron the laundry.
(note to self: remember to research use of coma in english language for what was that group again?)
i suddenly feel the urge to watch beakman's world. argh!
i have decided on the font i want for my huge lettering tattoo... that is soooo what i want for the next time.
i love not colour coordinating in my sleepwear. yup, i love yellow and pink and white all together. and i love pajamas.
it feels creepy to be randomly happy.
and now, disgustingly romantic.
"And i'm racking my brain for a new improved way to let You know You're more to me than i know how to say You're ok with the way this is going to because this is going to be the best thing that we've ever seen if anyone could make me a better person, You could all i gotta say is i must have done something good You came along one day and You rearranged my life all i gotta say is i must have done something right i must have done something right"
although... i wish You actually did something. or maybe it's just that i am too needy.
it's gonna be one year anyways.
and i am happy because tomorrow is friday 13th!!!
yes sir!
"Just because I live like an animal Room smells like a petting zoo
Sometimes I go pee in the shower
Does not mean I don't love you
Not me not me:no no no
Not me not meNot me not:no no no
Nobody knows nobody knows
Love you, a hole bunch of times"
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