Tuesday, May 15, 2007

*that unusual man*

for once i miss my mother's lap.
tomorrow i MUST buy blueberry tea. It's a known herbal remedy for PMS. And i can't take this bitchiness and the binge eating for much longer. i could just pull my hair out right now. Plus when one is eating picles with oatmeal and chocolate, something HAS to be wrong. Blergh.
i figure there are only two things that make me feel absolutely fantastic. Ok, 3.

- the rush of adrenaline from a new project, specially related to fashion.
- dancing. Anything, anywhere. Just dancing. Who needs wings when one has feet.
- a long loving kiss and a warm embrace.
i feel really lonely right now. Master knows how lousy i am feeling. That i am just sad for the sake of being sad, and that i can't help it. i just wish He would realize that even though sad, being by His side makes it not feel so bad.
He is just so aloof at times. Like... always... yes, He's so unusual...

Luckily, this gal will always have Fred Astaire. And Ginger Rogers.

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