Wednesday, September 12, 2007

*nowhere (L'shana Tovah!)*

its time for apple and honey cakes. Hmmm... since i'm not really jewish i'm making mine tonight.
happy Rosh Hashanah! L'shana Tovah!
"I'm going nowhere, going nowhere, I'm going nowhere"
... i'm going nowhere fast.

"A ship is flying through the air
Spraying rain everywhere
All six feet are in the air
I'm going nowhere, going nowhere, going nowhere
Take me somewhere, take me anywhere"
wednesday. Damn, am i tired. Beaten to the bone. But the house is clean, some laundry was done, i started learning how to make bras and my jazz teacher still is torturing us.

and waiting... just waiting.
i've been cooking a bit again. Still, i'm feeling sick.
Wish i didn't depend this much of pain killers.
still feels like nowhere. i need something to do.

pressplay [upside down space cockroach - Guttermouth]
... i always keep hanging on. ... always?

last saturday i met a girl called Isabel Goes. Nothing special about it except for the fact that i had already had about 10 glasses of wine and was going for my second mojito so i felt like writing. And i wrote this silly thing:

"Meet Ms. Goes.

Tell me, where does Isabel go?

Isabel Goes where?
Well, honey, let's just leave it to this, and just say...
Isabel Goes everywhere.

Isabel was here, but she is where...
Where does Isabel want to be?
Isabel has to go. Time to say good-bye.
Isabel just and only,
but Isabel Goes. ...
Isabel Goes easy.

Isabel never got to meet Isabella Blow."

Ain't i a silly gal?
i should be working out... blah!
But then again... maybe it's not good to work out in this much pain. (Excuses...
Things are just plain confusing right now. Almost everything is.
i think i need a new diagnosis. Is this still who i am?

Playing: Corpse rotting in hell - Guttermouth

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