Thursday, October 4, 2007


i had a lot to say but then You came and turned me off.
yet another fucked up day.
thanks a lot.

give me glamour, anyday.

You're always putting holes in happiness...
even a day after the other... it takes me a lot to get out of bed. Every single day.
i miss those days when it was not this hard to smile. Now all i do is to desperately hang on to every crumb of happiness that comes my way.
life is killing me.
mood: depressed and swinging
eating: binging on junk food, and lots of sweets. Something has to be sweet.
wearing: whatever.
now playing: music is the answer - Danny Tenaglia (White remix)
Who wants to be Marilyn Monroe? i want to be Mae West.

" It is better to be looked over than overlooked." - Mae West

i want to hurt someone today. As badly as i was hurt. Over and over again...

but i know i am unable to such a thing...
(i am a good girl, and thats why i'm always the one to hurt)
playing: la bamba - rancid

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