Thursday, July 3, 2008

*sweetie's believe it or not*

Believe it or not, i AM verbally impaired. Orally, that is.
i am constantly screaming inside of my head. But i was taught to only mouth things if they were positive and nice.
So my fingers are a lot more eloquent than my lips. But my hips don't lie.



Enter the confessionary. i hold awful, terrible grudges.


My fantasy. Everything would be perfect again, if He just said that He was wrong, those two times...


He ripped our contract and said horrible things to me. He threw my pearl collar away, the one i was most proud of having made, and hurt me even more the next day. i wouldn't have minded the flogging. But He threw away something beautiful, something i made with my own hands, as if the things i made/make/create were all worthless. As if i were worthless.


Grudges are evil. They feed off our souls.


All i do these days is dream... Yesterday, in the morning, i dreamt of my disturbing world, once more. Its dark, and dirty and ugly. People are mean. I witnessed a son pay to have his mother kidnapped and rape her. Histerically. Dreamland is not very pleasant these days.



Will my heart ever be contented?


Apparently, i am broken.

See, i am leaking through my eyes.





P.s.: Guess i'll get over it. Somehow, someday. All that matters is how much i love Him.´



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