Tuesday, October 7, 2008

*drink, meet-up and be merry!*

Just gonna quickly publicize the upcoming party:

Woo-hoo! i just love meeting the awesome girls from Suicidegirls.com Guess that's why i go and organize parties, otherwise its kinda hard to get everyone to hang-out.
Everyone is invited! Party at toy-lounge!
(me and Luminati. Its thanks to him this - and the previous - is gonna happen)
Oh, yeah. And i just enrolled into another college entrance exam. i really wanna go back to school next year. SRSLY!
OMG! Beware of the giant gecko!
Now excuse me while i go feed my current addictions:

Meanwhile, why don't you go down to Member Review and enjoy the red hair a bit more?
Yeah, it's kind of a big deal for me. Guess it is for everyone of the girls. But i can't help feeling like the Queen from Snow White every time i go check on the comment count or on the % of love it's getting (btw, thats 98%, so thanks so much and i'm glad you guys liked it this much). At least i can admit to that now. So mirror, mirror on the wall... who's the vainest of them all?

Mood: hungry and wishful