Monday, October 24, 2011

29 going on 16

The past 10 days were odd. Fun, exhausting, strange. I'm still digesting the events and trying to get a hang of life...

Also, not having internet at home for the past 5 days has fucked me up. I blame the housemate on that one. Gonna sort it out asap.

Seriously, for someone who also works from home, responding "Sucks for you", when I complained about the lack of connection was just plain evil. Karma... honey, karma.

Now that I got a shitton of stuff off my chest, lets see if my writers block leaves me.


I feel lonely said...

I miss 16 :(

city girl... said...

hey...yeah!!! some time it happens...but it doesn't matter to me et all...but I like ru writing style....