Saturday, March 22, 2008

*"Easter egg" included*

It's Saturday night! What should i wear?!!!!!!!!!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It has to stop raining so He takes me out. i sooooo want/need to! Yay!
Want a jelly bean?
Happy Chocolate Day!
(i never eat the blue ones. Argh!)


Fun-filled holidays rock my socks off!
i've eaten over 500grs of jelly beans already. Yummy! And tomorrow i'll dig into the chocolate.
Obviously, i'm going on a diet on Monday. Gotta love binge-inducing holidays.

- sleeping in

- shaving

- Japanese neighborhood (Liberdade). Bubble tea, kimchi okonomiyaki with tuna salad, korean ice cream, lots of Oriental goodies. They make awesome snacks.
- Buying more goodies at Sam's Club. Duo Keks, pretzels, chocolate and 1 kg of Jelly Beans. He even got me a new awesome make-up box. Plus we now have a heater for cold winter nights.

- And Yoshi came home with me.
Then i slept for over 12 hours...
- morning/afternoon sex which was not too painful
- not needing two pain killers just to get out of bed
- buying a Guitar Hero guitar downtown Sao Paulo

- devouring a huge typical Baloney sandwich (and making a funny video of it)

- Sao Paulo's Municipal Market: buying lots of yummy stuff... cheese from Norway, blue cheese from Germany, sweet dates, olives from Chile, and a pepper grinder. Yeah, i know... my carbon footprint isn't getting any smaller...

- going out tonight!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

And now lets all have a moment of silliness:

(Vegan Advisory Notice: Do not watch following video if you are offended in any way by meat eating. Extreme carnivore gore scenes included!)


Still, what should i wear?!!!

Mood: hyper - and drinking lots of coffee
Now playing: Ahn... Bowling for Soup.

" And this is sure to take awhile
But if we're going out, we're goin' out with style
So we all jump around, and we fall to the ground Like it's the last rock show of our lives."

p.s.: those glasses are fake. Love 'em.

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