Thursday, March 20, 2008

*who's going for what?!!!*

i typed this huge rant. And then i decided to keep that crap for the doctor marathon i'll have next week. i'm just sick and tired of being a bitch.
This is what hurts. Period. But next week i gotta dance!!!

So i'm going for the gusto! Who's with me?

It's spring! Somewhere, but not here. Its autumn in the South Hemisphere. Still, happy Equinox!

(moses supposes his toeses are roses, but moses supposes erroneously - and i'm missing another tap dance class today. :( x )

And hey, after a super short week, its (almost) a holiday! Happy Chocolate Weekend!

Depressed? Who? Not me. i mean, who said not shaving for a week is a symptom of depression? (irk).
Who could possibly be depressed while going through the entire discography of Bowling for Soup and Guttermouth? It takes a hellofalotta numbness to be indiferent to Jimmy Eat World or Jets to Brazil.
There is beer in the fridge, liquor in the cabinet, chocolate in the pantry and ice cream everywhere! (Notice a pattern here?) Plus i'm getting a haircut today. And i want to go buy Japanese candy. Sweet!

new stuff:
(new toy)
(for a friend)
(from sewing class)
(nhah, i put on weight. Damn!)

mood: rapidly swinging
now playing: a really long playlist

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