Tuesday, April 1, 2008

*100 days - Or the good, the bad, the awesome and the creepy. *

Good days are when the bad news and the good news even out. Awesome days is when you turn on the computer and find only good things. Yesterday, in example.
Good news: i went to the Orthopedist yesterday and its (as far as he knows) not fybromyalgia. Its the result of bad eating and sleeping habits with an exercise overload. It is not tendinitis, but it is the result of overloading one's tendons without proper collagen replacement. So it's not for life. But i must take care of this now.now or there may be sequelae.
Bad news: Tendon lesions of this nature take between 50 - 100 days to heal completely. That's over 3 months. Which means i may resume dance lessons... in late July, maybe August! Argh! Dancing is what makes my heart sing and all my troubles disappear. It makes me infinitely sad not being able to prance around. But at least
this was not as serious as it could have been (although we will only know for sure the extension of the damage around June, when i will be able to do the MRI). I will be counting the days, believe me.
Good news: Not having dance classes does not mean being inactive. Great, as i have already put on a few pounds in these past couple weeks. It's ok for me to do some light stretching, walk on the treadmill, use the bicycle and swim. Too bad i can't swim, as in i can't drive. As in i don't know how to and i'll probably kill myself if i try to alone. Oh, and also its ok to continue tight-lacing. Its actually good for me, says my Orthopedist.
Cold turkey: No more muscle relaxers after Sunday's scare. I mean, i know it was REALLY DUMB of me to mix Depakote and muscle relaxers, but wtf, i do dumb things all the time. No more muscle relaxers. Really, the last thing i need is arrhythmia.
The Awesome: Turning on my computer when i came home a bit bummed from the doctor, i learned i had won the prize in the Creative Contest for March on Suicide Girls for the sexiest instructional video, for my video on how to tight lace a corset! Really, i recorded it way before anyone said anything about the contest, and hell... i just love tight-lacing and love being in my undies and now, i love recording silly videos.

Wanna know what i'm spending the prize money on? Definitely, a new corset.
The Creepy: not gonna say much about it. I'm not wasting my time with it either. No if's for me this time.
And that was yesterday for me.

Monday was spent in an attempt to organize my show-reel and photos of my past performances. I was stocked at seeing how much material i have. Wow... now just to get better to put all of that to good use.
And today was spent... sleeping, for good measure.
Not really. i went to the acupuncturist, and strange things always happen after i leave her office. To me, i mean. Strange things are bound to happen when you just let someone stick a needle in your forehead. This time, i was soooo sleepy all i could do when i got home was to take off my uncomfortable bra (shoulder straps hurt), close the shutters and curl into fetal position. 5 hours later, i wake up feeling great.
There is still some pain in the legs and the shoulders, but i feel peaceful. Maybe it's that calm there is before a storm. All i know, is that now, i feel strangely calm.
Now i go to work. Till 10:30 pm.

Photos from a make-up workshop i attended about a month ago, just because they kind of reflect my mood:


mood: calm
now playing: baby fratelli - the fratellis

100 days...

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