Friday, February 1, 2008


i got off my ass and stopped complaining.
even though i woke up late (and mostly because my dentist canceled) i went to the gym.
where a 1 kg weight fell on my face at a 90º angle under 1 atmosphere of pressure (basic physics anyone?) because of this:

baffled doesn't start to cover it.
but i'm ok. Only a small edema and no bruise. The weight fell on my jaw, and oh am i glad i did not decide to double the weight yesterday.

i don't know about b-day gifts or a party, but i am off to the hair parlor to get my nails and hair done.
and will spend the rest of the day (after a work meeting) sewing the costume (yeah, new clothes) for my trashy burlesque b-day performance on Saturday.
keywords? Blond Betty Boop from Hell.
plus i'm getting myself that tat tomorrow morning.



i'll be back soon with dark blue nails.

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